

We have a vision…

for a church that is “not normal.” A church that is not caught up by the world, but is changing the world around it.

We have a vision…

of people being freed from negative influences, impossible situations, and a weak, faithless, religious existence.

We have a vision…

of a people so in love with God that love overflows into the communities around it in such abundance, people are flooding through the doors to receive more of that love.

We envision a church…

unified by the Spirit of God, empowered by that Spirit, and focused on the common goal of leading others into a relationship with Jesus Christ, teaching them to love Him, serve Him, and teach and lead others to do the same.

We envision a church…

where everyone can “come as they are”, but no one leaves “the way they came”. We envision a church totally committed to establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth until Christ returns! Our belief, our hope and our prayers are for Heartcry Chapel to fulfill this vision.